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Google Sheets Document operations#

Use this operation to create or delete a Google spreadsheet from Google Sheets. Refer to Google Sheets for more information on the Google Sheets node itself.

Create a spreadsheet#

Use this operation to create a new spreadsheet.

Enter these parameters:

  • Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Sheets credentials.
  • Resource: Select Document.
  • Operation: Select Create.
  • Title: Enter the title of the new spreadsheet you want to create.
  • Sheets: Add the Title(s) of the sheet(s) you want to create within the spreadsheet.


  • Locale: Enter the locale of the spreadsheet. This affects formatting details such as functions, dates, and currency. Use one of the following formats:
  • Recalculation Interval: Enter the desired recalculation interval for the spreadsheet functions. This affects how often NOW, TODAY, RAND, and RANDBETWEEN are updated. Select On Change for recalculating whenever there is a change in the spreadsheet, Minute for recalculating every minute, or Hour for recalculating every hour. Refer to Set a spreadsheet’s location & calculation settings for more information about these options.

Refer to the Method: spreadsheets.create | Google Sheets API documentation for more information.

Delete a spreadsheet#

Use this operation to delete an existing spreadsheet.

Enter these parameters:

  • Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Sheets credentials.
  • Resource: Select Document.
  • Operation: Select Delete.
  • Document: Choose a spreadsheet you want to delete.
    • Select From list to choose the title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the spreadsheet, or By ID to enter the spreadsheetId.
    • You can find the spreadsheetId in a Google Sheets URL:

Refer to the Method: files.delete | Google Drive API documentation for more information.